Fundraising Ideas for Sports Teams – Getting Money for the Equipment You Need

Are you looking for fundraising ideas for sports teams?  Sports teams are always looking for ways to raise money, and there are many different ideas that could work for your soccer, football, baseball, or basketball team.   Fundraising for a sports team is really not that much different from fundraising for a non-profit organization, church, youth group, school, or any other organization.  Sports team fundraisers are usually pretty small because you are only dealing with a few people.

When you are coming up with fundraising ideas for sports teams, you need to think about the type of youth that will be promoting this fundraiser.  High school students may have access to a car and have a lot more friends, but they are also much busier than 10 year olds.  Girls may be more excited about certain fundraising programs, and boys might get excited about other programs.

There are some great fundraiser ideas that would work great with boys and girls.

Fundraising Programs Selling Coupons

When you are working with fundraising programs, it works great if you can promote products that people already use.  There are several programs where you promote discounts for major retailers.  Most people shop at popular retailers like Target, Walmart, KFC, and PetSmart.  If you can get a discount at these retailers through a fundraising program, most people will sign up for the fundraiser if they get a big discount to use the coupons or fundraising card.

The best aspect of these programs is that they work for any sports team or organization.  Men and women get excited about promoting discount cards for Target and Wal-Mart.  One of the keys to a great fundraising program is to promote products where the youth are excited about selling the product.  If the youth are excited and want to promote the products, you can raise more money for your sports team.  This is among the best fundraising ideas for sports teams.

Candy Fundraising Programs

Everyone loves candy!  Candy and chocolate fundraising programs have been around for many years.  The best time to promote candy and food fundraisers is in the fall.  The worst time to promote these programs is right after the first of the year when everyone is trying to lose weight.  These programs would work for most sports teams, and people are always looking for gifts to give during the holidays.

Car Wash Fundraisers

Car wash fundraisers work great if you pick a busy location.  The best place to have a car wash on a Saturday morning is near a major intersection of two major roads.  Try to have the car wash at a fast food restaurant that serves breakfast.  If you can have the fundraiser there, you will get customers from the restaurant to get their car washed.  When it comes to fundraising ideas for sport teams, car washes usually work great.

If you need to raise money for equipment for your sports team, there are hundreds of ideas that would work great.  Don’t listen to all of the negative press about the economy.  People are still donating money to charitable causes.  There are many fundraising ideas for sports teams that still work today!

About samaritanfundraising

We are a national fundraising company solely dedicated to helping youth groups, churches, schools, and more reach their fundraising goal for their good cause.
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